Wednesday, July 20, 2022



“If somebody were to cut me into a thousand pieces, every piece of me would say that it loves…” -Chris Lubbe
Intimacy. Into me I see. 
In this world of relationships, I realize that I have arrived more consciously and allowed some fertile ground to bring richness and evolution for my growth.
All kinds of relationships—with lovers, sisters, brothers, friends, and children—can bring me so many opportunities to confront all the parts of me. As deeper fears brush up a little closer, I discover patterns, insecurities or behaviors that just need to be noticed or held with tenderness.

Can I rest in this moment and not know what will happen? As I sit in the quiet confession of my inner reflection, I feel alive in this moment knowing that as I am honest and true to myself, life is unfolding. This is enough to create space for the sacred to enter, for I am aware of the abundance of life right now. The Beloved loves through me. Awakened into this relationship, I move from the inside and step into this ordinary day as living presence. I am purified by this love as I continue to hold all that is within, the new life and old. It’s all within.

The other night, I went to a funky, outdoor venue that reminded me of New Orleans. Looking around the backyard that had art hanging in the trees and murals painted on surrounding houses, this Village of the Arts locale spoke to me in its quaint artistic way. Walking into the gathering of people, seeing familiar faces, and connecting with new ones, I feel the steadiness within me, even in these uncertain times. Resting in the power of this moment, I feel a connection. This union feels so natural as the music becomes the thread that joins us together. Biscuit Miller’s jazzy blues, his soulful singing, passionate guitar playing, and chill dance moves, get my feet tapping and my hands clapping to the music. Soon I just have to get up and dance with this energy that is moving through me and everyone else. As I look at the smiles on the faces of my friends, I am grateful that into me I see something being birthed—a joy that presence gives me because who I am inside is deeply in love.
mermaid by Frannie Hoffman
A Love Letter Poem to Myself
Here, inside, I open and let love take up room in my heart.
I rise through my awareness of what is,
not leaving myself but allowing the truth in.
It takes great courage to ask the questions that clarify the truth.
Am I important to you?
Are you ready to give up your secrets and share your life with me?
Do you know that if you show me that you are open to allow
this powerful force of energy to flow between us,
I will swim to you!
This is well being.
This is my ability to love deeper and to appreciate these moments
as I move through my senses discovering my greater, independent self.
This is beautiful—
To arrive here amidst the conditions
of my world, leaning into me,
into my ability to respond from a more awakened state.
This external world can bring me more in touch
with all the hidden parts of myself that call me home to my heart. 
Even when I am not feeling a perfect harmony inside of me,
I can still care for another even if it is not reciprocated.
I open to the emptiness that seems to house my soul
and begin again through the transformation
that has taken place.
Even the broken pieces are held with the Grace of God.
I rise through it, and out of my inner being, I connect with
the Spirit of God’s love, which connects me to everything.
All is possible here.
All is received in this sacred encounter within,
where the Divine energies of Spirit serve me and all humanity.
Everything we seek is always inside.
This love awaits my return.
Alas, as I come into me,
I find this compassion for all I have been through, and
the qualities of my own inner being shine!
