Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

“Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness.” -Meister Eckhart, the 14th Century Mystic

To my family and friends, I bow to you for being companions on this life pilgrimage with me as we enter into 2012.  We have practiced embracing everyday of our lives with more consciousness as we shift into each moment waiting for the new with great trust. We are blessed in this time to be human beings- grateful and awake. Life invites us to stay awake as we pay attention to what is true in the moment, in our hearts, and make choices from this place.

As members of one human family we can accept our flaws and shortcomings in each honest present moment. Let us rise up out of bed this day and as we place our feet upon the earth, we breathe deeply inside where we can drink in the feeling that is beyond any language, where we are enough.

With the house empty after a busy holiday season, the quiet solitude pulls me to the couch where my cat Angel sleeps beside me. As I breathe consciously, I begin to touch the inner landscape of these tender feelings that have been hidden away. Listening to my heart comes easier when I am quiet and patient. Whenever I move into stillness I seem to meet some forgotten grief, sorrow or even joy. Today I let myself taste the tears that long to be shed. There is nothing to fix here or change in any way. Allowing a space of stillness seems to soften the gaze inward as a wise and ancient truth begins to rise up.

The outside world becomes brighter as this larger part of me seems to emerge from deep within the canyon of myself. I hear the wind pushing through the screen of the window as the sounds of people walking to the beach catch my attention. I hear them laughing and calling me to open my eyes. I see the colored lights twinkling on the Christmas tree as the memories of the past year flow gently through my mind’s eye. Each ornament hangs like a road sign from the past to the present.

Without such stillness of attention, how could we possibly know the treasures that surround us in every moment? I bathe in the rich, loving silence where I recognize that we are all one body, one mind, one heart, and one spirit. It is a new year as we wake up to a new life of Oneness.

Listen, child of God…
You are enough just as you are.
Receive the gift of the moment
for you are worthy of the love that is present.
There is so much to be a part of, and it is all within you.

Stop and feel the breath move you into the emptiness
that fills you with everything that you need.
Nourish yourself with the energy that exists.
You are here in the stillness where God meets you.
Awaken to the blessings of a single day for it is
a gift to be opened.

Happy New Year To All!

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