Monday, November 2, 2020

The Power of Love


“Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened.
Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down the dulcimer. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kiss the ground.”- Rumi
With so much going on in this world, the mind wants to wander and take me into fears of the unknown. Then I hear the call of my dying friend, and when I look into her eyes the moment reveals the power of love.
This moment unveils me like nothing else, for as I feel my grief, I realize that every one of us is facing loss in these turbulent times. I muster up the courage, take a deep breath, and feel the reality that is before me.
This moment, this day, this time is where I get to look inside; where I let go and do my part to add support during these times of uneasiness. I reach my hand out to all who are brought to me. I hold them like precious jewels and behold their beauty, always with the reverence, presence, and appreciation as if it would be my last chance to do so.

Though it might be crowded with uncertainty and fears, I arrive within my heart and drop into the present moment where I give and receive the truth that rises within my human self. How precious love is, and it costs nothing but our own ability to empty what has held us back from receiving what is already here. When we open and empty, we can respond with the glance, the touch, the word that can be used to connect with the heart of another.
This art of listening does not have to separate us from anyone, no matter what they say. Just focus on what is real, for in the moment what is true rises within as light. Here are we joined. No matter what coverings we wear, this light binds us all together in this incredible tapestry called life.
Out of the darkness of thoughts 
That can only bring suffering
Comes the ever-present breeze of Spirit 
Calling your name,
Nudging you to break away 
From the mind that holds you
In the grip of despair.
You turn your gaze to the sun,
Where ripples of golden Light 
Move and dance upon your eyes
As you take in the story 
Written long ago
Yet now remembered.
There is so much to see 
When you live in union with the Divine 
Expressing the wisdom of the heart.
Oh, precious One!
Take off the denial 
So that your feelings can be allowed 
To pass through the river 
That once brought soothing 
In the womb of the mother.
Let the unconditional stream of consciousness 
Pull you into the embrace of tender loving care.
Look now to the sweetest life given 
For both the struggles and triumphs 
Have allowed you to grow into yourself.
This internal path brings forth the new,
As the seasons of grief change all your colors.
In the barren land of emptiness,
You become filled with the Light that gives and gives
Knowing that there is so much more to be received.
Now, as you reach into the deep canyon of emptiness,
The Light awakens and everyone in your presence 
Is welcomed into the embrace 
Of the One Eternal Being that transcends time.

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