Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Daily Palette

I consider myself an artist. As a child I wanted to be an art teacher because I loved to draw and paint. When I was asked by my 4th grade teacher to stand before the class and share with the other children what I wanted to be when I grew up, I searched inside my heart and found what I believed would be my calling.  I never truly became an art teacher in the school system. Instead I inspired my own children to create in their own ways. I opened my home to their friends as we did after school programs creating in all kinds of art forms. For years I held meditation circles, helping others to open up to the energy within, that helps one to see themselves in the light of truth.  I just wanted to share what had inspired me to get in touch with creation within. To help another to change their thinking to support their hearts helped me to live on purpose.
Life seems to set us up with our own palette of experiences.
We have so many choices in how we perceive what is in front of us. We can move inside and feel it all and allow the resistance to melt away as the light begins to shine the colors of new opportunities and ideas.  Here each of us can paint another picture of ourselves and the life we desire to live.
Drawing, painting and writing seem to be what inspired me to create from the insides of myself and communicate what I am feeling. I don’t always fulfill my own wishes as life pulls me in all sorts of directions. Yet, whenever I choose to sit down with myself and be open to what I am feeling as I ground myself in the energy that begins to flow through me, I want to express this life that seems to be touching every cell of my being.
Meditation is a way to soften what we think we are seeing. It helps us to let go of the looping mind that wants to create from the past. As we are aware of our breath and breathe consciously in to the body, we can let go of what is hanging on so tight. We can feel the comfort of spirit holding us up as we surrender deeper into what calls our name. Then, without control, we become an opening. The senses come alive and the voice of silence whispers softly to our hearts. There is a comfort here for we realize how we have been distracted from our deepest calling to just be here now. We feel at home once again within the chambers of our heart. Listening deeply we begin to see with more clarity. This is the food that gives life.
When I allow myself to move inside in this way, it feels like I am communicating with a higher state of being that is present within me whenever I am with myself for more than a few minutes. To deeply connect to the stillness within me is like paddling down the river at my cottage in Northern Ontario, as every stroke of the paddle brings me to where I will anchor myself to the shore as I pull my boat up on the rocks. Here is where I can sit in silent pleasure. Listening to what calls me inward as the voices of spirit dance all around me, and within, like a familiar song.
This day is always for me. To paint on the canvas of my mind and heart. To deliver myself into the flow of the river of life that is unfolding before my very eyes. What will I see? How will I meet the world that gives me back to myself, again and again?
I have so many choices as how to participate with the day. I could easily be pulled into another’s drama and how easily this happens because I care for so many. Yet, for me, I do know that I can observe the outer experiences that unveil themselves at every turn. With compassion my heart can hold another as I share what is spilling out of me as love and understanding.
It is a world filled with challenges and struggles. It is a world where there seems to be one battle after another and sometimes the heart closes to hope in the darkness of all of the tomorrows. I see it all around me and sometimes it is overwhelming and all of the joys are hidden by the pain and suffering of another or of our own conflicts within the mind.
It isn’t for me to fix the world. Why would I be so arrogant to think that it has to be changed? I think this would be an endless task. I choose to believe that it is my own state of being that desires to be brought back into balance. The world will continue to be as it is and for me it can be a great reflection from moment to moment.
It is wonderful indeed when I can change my focus to create from what feels good inside of me. To find that sweet spot within my heart that always calls me home to what is flowing with great ease. It is where I create from and begin to see with the eyes of truth. Here I breathe deeply to understand that all is moving in its own way to become something. It is out of my hands and put into the hands of God who always knows so much more than me.
Just take a look around you. Look at the way the sun reflects on the trees. See the colors of the leaves and the flowers bursting out in the early morning light. Drink in the sounds of nature creating at its very best as we bow to the One who paints this incredible backdrop for our day to unfold.
And for you my friend, it will unfold. We can’t imagine what will be given today; this new day opens you up to so much more.
A day that holds the mystery.
I pray for peace and call forth the ever present hand of God to touch you in ways that take your breath away. To see that every part of life has a gift to share with you and may it help you see and feel the love that creates worlds.
Today I paint a picture in my heart that fills me up with the power that moves me from the inside to the outside. In the authority of my spirit I stand strong in the knowing that all is well within my mind as I grow fully into the light of this new day that joins my heart with all humanity.
This story was published in Transformation Magazine's June issue:

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