Beauty and Love are as body and soul
Inexhaustible mine, and diamond- beyond price.
I loved his beauty and Love flamed from me.
I grew beautiful, Love whispered my name.
We go along in our lives, one step at a time, one day at a time until, without warning, life takes a turn. It feels like a sudden slap in the face, or bonk on the head, or a subtle trembling deep inside that you can't put your finger on. You couldn't see it even if you had been warned because you trusted in the unfolding of your life so completely; trusted that in each moment you were taken care of. You couldn't receive it because it wasn't the time. This is the time; now is the time to open your eyes and your heart to the truth.
This moment, like a storm that comes out of nowhere on a perfectly sunny day, offers the opportunity to be grateful that you breathed into the warmth of the sun while it was there; that you could receive all it had to offer until it wasn't there anymore. Life happens and it doesn't always leave a good taste in your mouth. Sometimes the lingering blow, the change, the death of what was, shatters the illusions. Once broken, these illusions can dissolve and the clearing begins. The mind, so eager to give its opinions, its defenses, its logic, its story, begins to shout so loud until you surrender and let it all go. When you choose to move past the noise and insanity of the mind, you find the door to stillness. Here the quiet of the moment offers you a breath of fresh air. As you take it in, the space inside begins to soften its hold on the past and what was.
I sit inside myself in the sweet aftermath of such a storm. As the light shines through the blinds in the kitchen, I take the bowl of soup and place it in front of me. The taste, the smell, the feel of this food, nurtures me. It is simply the moment giving to me the truth of what is, right here.
I feel my broken heart as I touch the profound feelings that are so raw inside. This ache draws me back into myself. Even though there is pain, I can meet it with compassion as I forgive myself and another for all the hurts experienced and caused. We are all human. Sometimes we miss the mark, other times we downright fail. Though we truly aren't perfect, we are all worthy to be loved and forgiven. In this moment, forgiveness is letting go of what was so that the ending can be a new beginning. This dark night of my soul lights my path back to this sacred journey of self-love.
No one is responsible for our happiness. If we allow ourselves to be dependent on anything or anyone in this way, it can turn into deep sorrow, shame, or regret. Within the arena of our own weakness, our intolerable guilt prevents us from taking responsibility. It obstructs our ability to see and to face our fears. When we become fearful, we can run or we can face the darkness and rise up. Blaming another for our pain takes us away from the truth that can set us free. We aren't here to be saved, nor are we here to save anyone. Every part of our humanness is part of the wholeness that is humanity. Accepting it all is easier said than done yet taking personal responsibility is necessary. Meeting yourself here is where true power lives.
Real happiness cannot be taken away by our darkness. The space within our heart is so vast, even more vast than the ever-changing sky. It is here that the incredible feelings of our unlovable and imperfect self are accepted and held in this presence. Everything is worthy to be here, and when we learn the lesson that our self-worth is not attached to another but is a part of this infinite love that is Divine, our heart will be broken wide open to allow rebirth into new life. As Franz Kafka says, "Everything you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form."
Change is constant, like the changing of seasons. Everything is temporary - people come in and out of our lives, the body has its ups and downs, the mind becomes obsessive and quiet, this world has calm waters and in the next moment, a Hurricane comes around the corner. Yet here, in the center of change is the all-knowing eye that sees with the heart that remembers that change can be beautiful!