Friday, February 8, 2013

Will You Be My Valentine?

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of."  -Hal David

Is there really so little love in this world or are we so focused on the pain and conflicts? It is sometimes easier to remain stuck in old mind sets or behaviors even when they keep us feeling miserable. Are we afraid of confronting the truth and lost in being victims instead of looking at ourselves face to face so that we can let go of what stands in the way? Here I realize that keeping myself closed stops me from letting love in. Here I contribute to keeping the lie alive that there's just too little of love. When all I need to do is release what is holding me back and forgive the past, allowing compassion to contribute to the world.
It really doesn't matter who you are, where you have been, whatever the beliefs that guide your way, there comes a time when we all have a longing to be touched through the heart. Each of us needs to nourish the soul as we breathe deeply into the truth that we are loved. Accepting this statement is easier said than done sometimes. So much of our days are filled with judgments of our self or another that we forget that each of us is deeply loved.
God's will for us all is that we be happy. When we make a choice to be happy, the whole world looks different to us. Sometimes it is so much easier to feel all of our negative feelings like shame, anger, sadness or resentment. We get caught up in the loop of these unhappy feelings and forget to give ourselves permission to feel some happiness. Yes, we have to feel these negative feelings but that is only to release them so that we can feel the truth that is underneath it all. It can take days, weeks or just a moment as we find our way back to what is real and live more fully in our hearts.
Love takes discipline and practice. It's not just the sweet words on a greeting card. It is the moments we spend with spirit as we pray and meditate or just walk mindfully in our life. These moments we spend with God in the silence is the muscle that strengthens this inner connection. Here we listen as we let go of what we are doing and merge with who we are. We become still and the voice of acceptance calms us down and brings a peace that fills us up. I don't know about you, but this sure makes me feel happy and I realize that when I give this to myself, it is a lot easier to demonstrate and express love in many different ways. Like this morning, while I am writing these words, I lift my gaze from the computer screen as I see my husband making his way out of the bedroom with his hair all messy from the night's sleep and shuffles over to the coffee maker, I say, "good morning my darling". When we offer this gift with a genuine heart, the giver is also the receiver as we contribute to giving a little more love to our world.
Can we come to the altar of our heart each day and awaken to a new moment to be with spirit. Here all is well as love is shared with all we meet.
Turning inward, I go deeper inside to myself.
The moment I awake I am lost in your embrace.
You are the sweetness as I breathe into what is being revealed in this glorious moment.
You are my beloved, precious presence that lives deeply inside all that I am.

Wake up little one!
Wake up to this moment where you are here to bring about change.
The doves sing the song of creation, nudging you to plant the seeds of truth.
Oh sweet mystery, dance upon the heaviness of my heart.
Take me into the sunshine where it is warm and inviting.
I keep walking as the shadows of the past lurk behind every step.
I look upwards and find your light gazing softly like a sweet smile on the lips of a lover guiding me even if I cannot see.
I am feeling it all yet I dwell in the comfort of your vision of a vast meadow.
Here is where I lay in the arms of your embrace and look upwards to all that passes by.
The clouds look back as the winds push it all away, giving me the answers that guide me closer to truth.
I hear the way Spirit speaks to me like the still flower raising its petals to the sun.
Opening more and more until the fragrance of such a beautiful bloom fills the air with the aliveness of just being.
I am here in the midst of the same moment again and again where life forms into one precious moment.
Be still my sweet love and know that I am here.
Be quiet as the voice of nothing speaks louder for all your tomorrows.
Be here and let all that has crowded you make passage for your Self be known and true.
This is love. This is love.
Blessed Be My Valentine

All my love,

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